Saturday 31 January 2015

1914 And Other Poems [by Rupert Brooke] [1915]

Rupert Chawner Brooke [3 August 1887 – 23 April 1915] was an English poet known for his patriotic war sonnets written during the First World War, especially "The Soldier". As a war poet Brooke came to public attention in 1915 when The Times Literary Supplement quoted two of his five sonnets ["IV: The Dead" and "V: The Soldier"] in full on 11 March and his sonnet "V: The Soldier" was read from the pulpit of St Paul's Cathedral on Easter Sunday (4 April). Brooke's most famous collection of poetry, containing all five sonnets, 1914 & Other Poems, was first published in May 1915 and, in testament to his popularity, ran to 11 further impressions that year and by June 1918 had reached its 24th impression a process undoubtedly fueled through posthumous interest.

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The Wind Among The Reeds [by W.B. Yeats] [1902]

William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature. He studied poetry in his youth and from an early age was fascinated by both Irish legends and the occult. The Wind Among The Reeds published in 1902, is in many critics opinion the main achievement of his early works. Imagery of Yeats' poetry at this time is filled with characters from Celtic Mythology and Folklore.

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The Wind Among The Reeds [by W.B. Yeats] [1902] [Format] Epub
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The Wind Among The Reeds [by W.B. Yeats] [1902] [Format] Pdf

Celtic Memories And Other Poems [Poetry] [by Norreys Jephson O'Conor] [1914]

Norreys Jephson O'Conor [1885-1958] was born in New York City and was educated at Harvard University making a special study of the Gaelic language and literature in which he has also done some valuable research work. Having, through his own Celtic descent, a particular interest in Ireland and its literature, and having spent a part of his time in that country, O'Conor's poetry naturally turns upon Celtic themes which have inspired some excellent dramatic as well as lyric work from his pen. His volumes in their order are: "Celtic Memories", 1914; "Beside the Blackwater", 1915; "The Fairy Bride: A Play in Three Acts", 1916; and "Songs of the Celtic Past", 1918.

Ellan Vannin - [by Cushag] [Poetry] [1911]

Margaret Letitia Josephine Kermode [1852–1937] was a Manx poet and playwright better known by the pen name "Cushag". A native Manx Gaelic speaker and an expert collector of Celtic Folklore her 2nd anthology Ellan Vannin [Ellan Vannin being the Manx Gaelic name for the Isle of Man] was published in 1911. The poems draw heavily on Manx and Celtic Folklore.

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Ellan Vannin - [by Cushag ][Poetry] [1911] [Format] Pdf

Poems Of The Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood

A good compilation of Poetry by four Irish Scholars Padraic H Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh, Joseph Mary Plunkett & Sir Roger Casement The introduction is very long but is very insightful in relation to event at the time. The Poems themselves give you a beautiful insight into their hopes and aspirations. Alas it was another of their hopes and aspirations, that of a United Ireland which led to all four being executed for their part in the 1916 Easter Rebellion.

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Manx Song & Maiden Song [by Mona Douglas] [Celtic Poetry]

This remarkable book of Manx Poetry was published when Mona Douglas was only 16. Published in 1915 Manx Song & Maiden Song is a flawless work that shows the themes and style that contributed to her writing coming to be considered the most influential Manx Poetry of the 20th Century. Inspired in part by W. B. Yeats whose work instilled in her a poetic Celtic mysticism which was to colour all her extensive writing.

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Manx Song & Maiden Song [by Mona Douglas] [Celtic Poetry] [Format] Pdf

Nonsense Drolleries [by Edward Lear]

This is a charming volume of this classic poem The owl and the pussy-cat and The duck and the kangaroo . This very beautiful edition was published in 1889 with original illustrations by William Foster. One point of interest the cat is the male and the owl is the female at the end of the story, and is ambiguous in the beginning.

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Nonsense Drolleries [by Edward Lear] [Format] Epub
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Nonsense Drolleries [by Edward Lear] [Format] Pdf

The Single Hound [Poems Of A Lifetime] [by Emily Dickinson]

 Emily Elizabeth Dickinson [December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886] was an American poet who lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. Considered an eccentric by the locals, she became known for her penchant for white clothing and her reluctance to greet guests or, later in life, even leave her room. Most of her friendships were therefore carried out by correspondence. While Dickinson was a prolific private poet, fewer than a dozen of her nearly 1800 poems were published during her lifetime. The work that was published during her lifetime was usually altered significantly by the publishers to fit the conventional poetic rules of the time. Dickinson's poems are unique for the era in which she wrote; they contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often use slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Many of her poems deal with themes of death and immortality, two recurring topics in letters to her friends. This beautiful volume published in 1915 with an interesting introduction by her niece Martha Dickinson Bianchi showcases perfectly her position as one of the worlds finest poets.

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The Single Hound [Poems Of A Lifetime] [by Emily Dickinson] [Format] Epub
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The Single Hound [Poems Of A Lifetime] [by Emily Dickinson] [Format] Pdf

Friday 30 January 2015

Drum Taps [by Walt Whitman] [1865]

Walt Whitman [May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892] was an American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works. Regarding many of the poems in Drum-Taps, little is known about when they were actually written. However, in the winter of 1862, Whitman traveled to Virginia in search of his brother, George, whom he heard had been wounded in the Battle of Fredericksburg. After witnessing the vast amounts of casualties of war at the hospital, Walt was profoundly moved. For the next three years, he would devote himself to helping the soldiers. Many considered him a nurse and he acted as one, dutifully dressing wounds, assisting in amputations and administering medications. Whitman, however, insisted he be referred to as something simpler, calling himself a mere “visitor & consolatory,” one who brought “soothing invigoration” to the sick and wounded. This time in the hospital would have a major effect on his poetry with some of the poems in “Drum-Taps” being directly based on events thattranspired in these places

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The Early Poems Of Ralph Waldo Emerson [by Ralph Waldo Emerson]

Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882) was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. Emerson's work not only influenced his contemporaries, such as Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau, but would continue to influence thinkers and writers in the United States and around the world down to the present day. Includedin this 1900 anthology introduced by Henry Ketcham are some of Emersons finest poems, such as "The Rhodora", "Uriel" and "The Snow Storm".

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The Early Poems Of Ralph Waldo Emerson [by Ralph Waldo Emerson] [Format] Epub
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Selected Poems [by Lady Margaret Sackville] [1919]

Lady Margaret Sackville (24 December 1881 – 18 April 1963) was an English poet and children’s author. She began to write poetry at an early age and at sixteen became a protegée of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. With his encouragement, she had her early poems published in periodicals such as The English Review, the Englishwoman's Review, Country Life, The Nation, The Spectator and the Pall Mall Gazette. She published her first book of poems, Floral Symphony, in 1900. In 1910 she edited A Book of Verse by Living Women. In her introduction, she noted that poetry was one of the few arts in which women were allowed to engage without opposition and made a direct connection between women's social freedom and the freedom of the imagination

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Poems [by Wifred Owen]

Wilfred Edward Salter Owen MC [18 March 1893 - 4 November 1918] was an English poet and soldier, one of the leading poets of the First World War. His shocking, realistic war poetry on the horrors of trenches and gas warfare was heavily influenced by his friend and mentor Siegfried Sassoon who provides the introduction to this 1920 anthology, and stood in stark contrast both to the public perception of war at the time and to the confidently patriotic verse written by earlier war poets such as Rupert Brooke. Among his best-known works – most of which were published posthumously – are "Dulce et Decorum est", "Insensibility", "Anthem for Doomed Youth", "Futility" and "Strange Meeting".

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Poems [by Wifred Owen] [1920] [Format] Epub
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Thursday 29 January 2015

Love Songs [by Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning]

Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning appear as one of most romantic literary couples from the Victorian period. Robert Barrett was already a respected poet before they met. After reading her poems for the first time, Robert wrote to her: "I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrett--I do, as I say, love these verses with all my heart." In good romantic fashion Elizabeth Barrett eloped with Robert Browing.

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A Child's Garden Of Verses [By Robert Louis Stevenson]

Here is a great book of poetry for children published in 1905 and written by one of Scotlands finest authors Robert Louis Stevenson. The edition is beautifully illustrated by E. Mars and M.H Squire

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In Flanders Fields and Other Poems [by John McCrae]

In Flanders Fields and Other Poems by John McCrae and read by Steve Toner; Bruce Kachuk; Ken Masters; Julia Niedermaier; Rach Clem; Ian King; Jordan Heron; Roger Denis; Catherine Grissom; Carol; Greg Giordano; Steve C; Connie; Tony Green

John McCrae, physician, soldier, and poet, died in France January 28, 1918 of pneumonia. McCrae was a Lieutenant-Colonel with the Canadian forces. The poem which gives this collection of his lovely verse its name has been extensively reprinted, and received with unusual enthusiasm. The volume contains, as well, a striking essay in character by his friend, Sir Andrew Macphail.

01 - In Flanders Fields
02 - The Anxious Dead
03 - The Warrior
04 - Isandlwana
05 - The Unconquered Dead
06 - The Captain
07 - The Song of the Derelict
08 - Quebec
09 - Then and Now
10 - Unsolved
11 - The Hope of My Heart
12 - Penance
13 - Slumber Songs
14 - The Oldest Drama
15 - Recompense
16 - Mine Host
17 - Equality
18 - Anarchy
19 - Disarmament
20 - The Dead Master
21 - The Harvest of the Sea
22 - The Dying of Pere Pierre
23 - Eventide
24 - Upon Watts' Picture 'Sic Transit'
25 - A Song of Comfort
26 - The Pilgrims
27 - The Shadow of the Cross
28 - The Night Cometh
29 - In Due Season
30 - An Essay in Character - I - In Flanders Fields
31 - An Essay in Character - II - With the Guns, part 1
32 - An Essay in Character - II - With the Guns, part 2
33 - An Essay in Character - III - The Brand of War
34 - An Essay in Character - IV - Going to the Wars
35 - An Essay in Character - V - South Africa
36 - An Essay in Character - VI - Children and Animals
37 - An Essay in Character - VII - The Old Land and the New
38 - An Essay in Character - VIII - The Civil Years
39 - An Essay in Character - IX - Dead in His Prime

Violets And Other Poems [by Emeline L. Bicknell [Emeline Larkin]] [1897]

Emeline Larkin Bicknell was an American poet born in Ohio in 1826 and who died in 1916. As far as i am aware Violets And Other Poems is here only compilation of poetry and was first published in 1897.

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Violets And Other Poems [by Emeline L. Bicknell [Emeline Larkin]] [Format] Pdf

A Selection From The Love Poetry Of William Butler Yeats [by W.B Yeats]

Born in Dublin, Ireland, William Butler Yeats was the son of a well-known Irish painter, John Butler Yeats. He studied painting as a young man but quickly discovered he preferred poetry. Yeats became involved with the Celtic Revival, a movement against the cultural influences of English rule in Ireland during the Victorian period, which sought to promote the spirit of Ireland’s native heritage. His writing drew extensively from sources in Irish mythology and folklore. Also a potent influence on his poetry was the Irish revolutionary Maud Gonne, whom he met in 1889, a woman equally famous for her passionate nationalist politics and her beauty. Though she married another man in 1903 and grew apart from Yeats, she remained a powerful figure in his poetry

Contained in this volume are 33 of his finest love poems, including; He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven, When You are Old & The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart

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