Helen Hunt Jackson

Helen Hunt Jackson [1830–1885] was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to academic Calvinist
parents, poet, author, and Native American rights activist Helen Hunt Jackson (born Helen Maria Fiske) was orphaned as a child and raised by her aunt. Jackson was sent to private schools and formed a lasting childhood friendship with Emily Dickinson. At the age of 21, Jackson married Lieutenant Edward Bissell Hunt and together they had two sons. Jackson began writing poetry only after the early deaths of her husband and both sons.

Here are links to free high quality Poetry books by the Author

Verses [by Helen Hunt Jackson] [1874]

Bits Of Talk, In Verse And Prose, For Young Folks [by Helen Hunt Jackson] [1876]

Verses [by Helen Hunt Jackson] [1883]

Sonnets And Lyrics [by Helen Hunt Jackson] [1886]

A calendar Of Sonnets [by Helen Hunt Jackson] [1891]

Poems [by Helen Jackson] [1902]

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