Ernest McGaffey

Born in Ohio in 1861, McGaffey was a minor poet of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. After working as private secretary to Chicago Mayor Carter H. Harrison, McGaffey was admitted to the bar and subsequently practiced law in Chicago. He produced several volumes of poetry, including Poems of Rod and Reel (1892), Poems of the Town (1901), Cosmos (1903), and a late collection called War in 1939.

Here are links to free high quality Poetry books by the Author

Poems Of Gun And Rod [by Ernest McGaffey] [1892]

Poems [by Ernest McGaffey] [1895]

A California Idyl [by Ernest McGaffey] [1899]

Poems Of The Town [by Ernest McGaffey] [1900]

Cosmos [by Ernest McGaffey] [1903]

Sonnets To A Wife [by Ernest McGaffey] [1922]

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