Jean Blewett

Jean McKishnie Blewett [4 November 1862 – 19 August 1934] was a Canadian journalist, author and poet. Blewett was born Janet McKinshie in Scotia, Kent County, Ontario in 1862 to Scottish immigrants. In 1896, she won a $600 prize from the Chicago Times-Herald for her poem "Spring".

After her death, fellow female journalist Bride Broder wrote in tribute:
There is a simplicity about Mrs. Blewett's prose and verse that has made a wide appeal, and her gay-hearted attitude to life, the humorous twists she gave to little things, made her very welcome as a speaker at women's gatherings. In all her writings she touched on the things that appeal to women everywhere and, in doing so, won the admiration of men readers also

The Cornflower And Other Poems [by Jean Blewett] [1906]

Heart Stories [by Jean Blewett] [1919]

Jean Blewett's Poems [by Jean Blewett] [1922]

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