Henry Abbey

Henry Abbey [July 11, 1842 – June 7, 1911] was an American poet who is best remembered for the
poem, "What do we plant when we plant a tree?" He is also known for "The Bedouin's Rebuke". Abbey was fond of simple subject matter, such as remorse or happiness; his poetry often forms an anecdote or short story which builds in intensity, reaches a climactic struggle between two opposing entities, and then ends in an implied moral. His poetry is reminiscent of the Romantic Era, with particular influence from Shelley and Coleridge. He remains relatively well known with the poetry-reading public, as well as a respected figure in literary circles.

Here are links to free high quality Poetry books by the Author

May Dreams [by Henry Abbey] [1862]

The City Of Success And Other Poems [1884]

The Poems Of Henry Abbey [by Henry Abbey] [1885]

The Ulster Guard At Gettysburg On The First Three Days Of July 1863 [by Henry Abbey] [1891]

The Poems Of Henry Abbey [by Henry Abbey] [1904]

The Dream Of Love [A Mystery] [by Henry Abbey] [1910]

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