Harriet Monroe

Harriet Monroe [1860-1936] was an American poet and editor, born in Chicago, where she spent most of her life. Monroe came to public notice with Columbian Ode (1892), a poem in celebration of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago; her Valerie and Other Poems (1892) was followed by a book of five verse-plays, The Passing Show (1903). Monroe's main claim to fame is through her editorship of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, devoted exclusively to poetry, which she founded in 1912.

Here are links to free high quality Poetry books by the Author

Valeria And Other Poems [by Harriet Monroe] [1891]

The Columbian Ode [by Harriet Monroe] [1893]

The Dance Of The Seasons [by Harriet Monroe] [1911]

You and I [Poems] [by Harriet Monroe] [1914]

The New Poetry [An Anthology] [by Harriet Monroe] [1920]

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